Real people:

We understand people are broken, and sin is the reason. We want to lead them to the grace of God by modeling repentance, and by living lives that are open and authentic.  Living that way will allow others to see us respond to God and encourage them to do the same. We must allow others to see us as broken so they have hope for their own brokenness.

Real life:

As we live and interact with other broken people we strive to form a community founded on the Love, Word, and Spirit of God.

Real love:

God loves us and His love is so great He reconciles and redeems us through the cross and gives us eternity through His resurrection. When we live out our faith in repentance and hope we can experience and give that love to others.

Our Mission:

We exist to help others have their life, strength, and hope built and restored through the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Nothing puts life into men like a dying Savior.
— Charles Spurgeon